Archive for the ‘Wanderings’ category

Holiday Ideas for the Financially Well-Endowed

November 15, 2012

A few years ago, I advised that Martha would not be joining us for Thanksgiving dinner. This year, I share with you another gem that explores the wonder that is the Williams-Sonoma holiday catalog. Please enjoy the article and the often equally brilliant comments. I will now go check on my order for designer Thanksgiving turkeys.

The Hater’s Guide To The Williams-Sonoma Catalog

(Disclaimer – I own the Ebelskiver pan because it was given to me as a gift. It’s pretty freaking cool. I’ve repurchased several varieties of their Ebelskiver mix even though normal pancake mix would probably work equally well. I’ve seriously considered the croissants, but passed due to the mind-boggling cost. Same goes for the chocolate sampler. If you buy me the chicken coop, I probably wouldn’t get upset.)

Those Come In “Holy” Form??

December 8, 2011

How mortifying is it to be a 15 year old boy at a Michael Buble concert? Add to that, your mom somehow manages to stop the show and convince him to bring you on stage to sing. I sure hope this poor kid finds success. And even if he doesn’t (Seriously. Buble needs to help redeem the poor kid’s street cred.), the video made me smile and I now have a new, highly entertaining expletive to use!

Please enjoy!

(On a side note – who knew Michael Buble was funny??)

A Cautionary Tale

November 18, 2011

While I may be hosting Thanksgiving at my house this year, this absolutely will NOT be served. Just in case anyone had any hopes, I’m dashing them now. (And exactly what is “meat glue??” Nevermind, I don’t think I really want to know.)


Life Lessons With Perspective

October 19, 2011

There are tons of webcomics out there that I enjoy, but this one struck my fancy most recently. Maybe it’s the short & sweet messages or the perfectly matched art, but more often than not, the messages were spot on with truth and humor. The other times they were just funny. Please enjoy!

Calm Blue Oceans

Got something to say?

August 2, 2011

Though I have no idea who she is, I think I love this child – her intensity, conviction, volume. . . the whole package. I can, however, see how this might get old after a few minutes. Or when she wakes at 5am.