Holiday Ideas for the Financially Well-Endowed

A few years ago, I advised that Martha would not be joining us for Thanksgiving dinner. This year, I share with you another gem that explores the wonder that is the Williams-Sonoma holiday catalog. Please enjoy the article and the often equally brilliant comments. I will now go check on my order for designer Thanksgiving turkeys.

The Hater’s Guide To The Williams-Sonoma Catalog

(Disclaimer – I own the Ebelskiver pan because it was given to me as a gift. It’s pretty freaking cool. I’ve repurchased several varieties of their Ebelskiver mix even though normal pancake mix would probably work equally well. I’ve seriously considered the croissants, but passed due to the mind-boggling cost. Same goes for the chocolate sampler. If you buy me the chicken coop, I probably wouldn’t get upset.)

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